Are Your Evolving or Revolving?

channeling emotions evolving golden age healing new world soul spirit Oct 25, 2024

Welcome to the Eve of an Evolution!

For understand one cannot exist without the other.

And it will once again be your choice if you decide to stay in the Revolution or expand into the Evolution.

Energy, no matter what its form has to build momentum to change itself from one state into another, so a Revolution is when energy within something or someone reaches its maximum momentum and will become a trigger or activation point which precedes an evolution. However if the impetus of revolution is denied and resisted it will cause some form of implosion or collapse. 

Many humans have been revolving around and around in the same energy field for too long, and those who do not even realise that this is the intensified state they are actually existing within, will no doubt begin to feel the force field of advanced revolution taking place within their thoughts, their bodies and their lives in general, giving them the false impression that everything is ‘spinning out of control’.

So to offer you an example of what we speak…many are going to be experiencing old illnesses and emotions that have been long buried within them, while others will be revolving around and around on a mental level with the deepest of memories being brought into their awareness. And some will be finding the monotony of their daily lives, jobs and relationships starting to obviously frustrate and deplete them.

All of these experiences are ready to ‘pop’ out of their revolutions & repetitiveness and launch you into an evolving state of awareness and new actions.But again we say it is entirely up to you!


your political world is going through a crises of consciousness as many are now so sickened or corrupted by the misuse of power, and they will remain revolving in the same situations for another 40 years before true conscious leaders are appointed. Why? Because the majority of those Soul’s being born now have pre-ordained contracts to work respectfully with Nature, Space and all Energy. 

Many governments are on the brink of collapse over the next 12 years with your United Kingdom’s sovereignty falling apart, the United States of America severely fractured, China feverish with financial frustration and Russia remaining psychological wounded with a chip on both shoulders. The last 20 years of wars have been for ‘show’ and have been no more than political stunts by these countries. You can now expect the United States to begin crumbling on every level as a global leader right before your human eyes as it implodes in its old patterns of righteous revolution, while most of Europe shall be so polarised with severe weather systems and human welfare issues, there shall be no evolution there either.


So What's in Store?

You are going to see the major financial institutions & insurance companies of the world becoming the new obvious corrupt leaders and with no sign of true evolution being instigated by them, they too will collapse in time as individuals begin in their own evolution to realise the preciousness and sustaining power of the physical, tangible world and the power of their own choices. Moving forward it is going to become increasingly obvious that money is not King and that the Queen of Plenty is a balanced Mother Earth. And the Mother Earth wishes you to know that the notion of global warming is a ploy designed to allocate pressure, fear and manipulation upon all living beings with the intention of charging you for what should be the free and plentiful energies of your water, earth, sun and wind. 

You also need to understand that the most destructive pollution upon your precious planet is hypocrisy, hubris and hierarchy and this dear ones has been revolving at such a rate of intensity, that all of the misaligned structures of your society are about to degenerate. For even a child’s spinning top must eventually come to a halt! 


The Golden Age

Now is your golden opportunity to intend your evolution for your self, your future and your families.It is an auspicious time of change, growth and opportunities for all and it has been predicted for thousands of years over and over again. Also please remember you chose to be present on Earth for these exciting times of advancement and you must be in the stream of adaptability, flexibility and trust to benefit. And what may appear as loss to you, will actually be steps towards you being found.

Found with your true nature and intimate connections to the divine being revealed, strengthened and restored.

You have had so many revolutions or what you term past lives in torment, loneliness and destruction. Have you not suffered enough? Have you not proven to yourself that the illusion of separation and the consequent creation of the damaged ego mind have been experienced to the full?

The world has never spun out of control, only your ideas about it have!

So let go and let grace be your guide. Let love for self be your guardian and evolution bring you to the edge of full realisation. The powerless ones who are running your planet cannot corrupt or control your consciousness and when you can come into unification with your Soul and the Spirit world, you will be operating outside of the confines of heartlessness, hopelessness and hierarchies. But you can only find this out for yourselves with the new belief and realisation that you are the most powerful beings you are ever going to have the blessing to know.

In Loving Service

-The Union of Love & Light-

Received by Jennifer Starlight©

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